About No-touch

Artist SinGh's technique called no-touch is a level above any other.Jackson Pollock left it as abstract... but Artist SinGh can actually paint a portrait simply by dripping and splattering paint with his bare fingers. He is credited with notion that he copy Pollack. It does not offend him when people compare his work with Jackson Pollock's work . However, he claimed to be original with the fact that he has a new approach to drip painting.

No touch painting of Gandhi
by Artist SinGh 2003

Jackson's work
Art means everything to me. I see art everywhere and in all circumstances I find myself in. I am not only into drip painting, I do all kinds of art. Specially the one that is challenging . I really like the revolutionary ideas.  I will go a head and try it even if it did not make good art (for some). Art has provided me with means for the spirit of freedom. And this freedom helps me find my identity as a person. I put enough effort into the projects I do to increase my own potential as an artist. It symbolizes the struggle that needs to exist for Art to progress at higher levels. Below is the worlds largest drip painting.